Why I decided to INDULGE

The idea of INDULGE happened in an instant and from there I couldn't be stopped. But that instant is a result of laboring over my own purpose for who knows how long. Probably not unlike anyone else, I have struggled to find my place in the world. Or my purpose. I have spent the better part of 2 years trying to dig deep, understand my strengths, come to terms with my weaknesses and understand what matters most to me. In this process there have been a few significant events or "ah ha" moment that cumulated and led me to the creation of INDULGE. 

I fell in love with having purpose.

I have fallen in love with being a cycling instructor. It is amazing to have the opportunity to impact peoples lives for the better. And dancing around on a bike in the dark makes me feel like Beyonce.

I became important to myself.

As women, we tend to prioritize others above ourselves. This isn’t a bad thing. In fact, I think it is something to admire. But dammit, I wanted to designate time to indulge in what makes me feel like a badass babe warrior and I want to offer that same opportunity to other women.

I considered what mattered to me.

Lastly, and this is something that is unique to no one. People, society, family and friends have a lot of opinions about the right way to live life. Most of them have your best interest at heart, but living in that noise can make it difficult to know ourselves.

It is just the beginning for me. I hope INDULGE ignites something in you to define your own balance.